Thursday, March 27, 2008

environmental housing

Beware the quick fix. OK that sounded a bit drastic, but think about it for a sec. How much money is going in to advertisements and programs telling us to consume less and live in freezing dwellings and go out and buy all sorts of "energy saving" devices? And how much money is going into revising the building codes? How much money is going into creating community geothermal resources? How much money is going into credits for retrofitting older structures to enable new GREEN technology? Ummmmm ..... zip?

Why not ask your local politician about these things next time he/she lectures you about turning down the heat and watering your petunias?

Environmental housing starts from the inside out. Politicians should make changing the building code their first priority. Plan for the future. In my area, R20 is considered normal insulation. Why not make it R40? That alone would reduce heating and cooling costs. Solar technology is coming fast, but few buildings can supports the extra load. Why not change the code to double the load capacity of roofs?

The cynic would way it is because developers are the main contributors to local politicians. Developers do not want extra costs. But what about the Environmental Impact On Housing? That is left up to the poor sucker who buys the substandard housing and has to rebuild the place over the years.

You move in and strut about a bit and feel king of the castle for a day or two. Then you find that you are evil. Who knew? Opinion about the environmental impact of housing and the urban sprawl make you the victim of every special interest group.

"You are wasting electricity...better spend a few thousand and increase insulation. You are wasting water. Better go find a rain barrel or two and get a permit to build a reservoir and dig up the front yard. You are spewing pollutants during your commute...oh, better buy an electric car to take you to the park & ride which is miles away and only runs certain hours ...if they feel like it. Forget taking a bus, no bus service connects to the commuter service. Sorry.....oh but you have to pay extra insurance on the vehicle since you are technically using it to commute to work.

Ummm did we mention that you are evil and selfish for wanting to live in a quiet area, surrounded by nature and away from the constant din and smell of downtown? I'm sure there is a pamphlet around here.....we just got a government grant to print up a bunch.

You should be downtown in our high density enviromental housing.......oh, but don't bring the kids....too noisy...disturbs our dogs. Besides the dogs have all the green space designated to them as free run areas. Kids just get in the way. David Suzuki? Oh no he doesn't live here. Are you kidding? He lives by the sea in a Ritzy Kitzy Area. You don't expect him to put up with all this do you?

You almost made me choke on my matcha tea frappe! Of course he doesn't live here. He lives on his estate....when he is not flying around the world. Oh that reminds me, we are all turning our lights off for a month to offset his carbon is the least we can do. Care to join?"

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