Saturday, April 19, 2008

Airtight Housing Insulation is Unhealthy

TV renovation shows and government ads are preaching about making our houses airtight. But they are only telling part of the story and could be harming our health! If you just follow their guilt inducing preachy instructions you could soon be living in a toxic swamp. Think about the following points:
  • If you seal up your house and still have furnishings which give off toxic fumes, aren't you being forced to spend hundreds of hours in a home made gas chamber?
  • When you turn your bathroom or stove exhaust fans on to purge moist and oily air, how can they effectively work if no fresh air is allowed into the building? And what kind of air are they drawing in? How about the carbon monoxide laden air from your furnace and fireplace vents!!!!
  • You and your family are expelling body waste with every breath. Your lungs are a one of the filtering organs in your body. Each one of you is spewing unhealthy gasses at least 20 times a minute. More if you exercise at home.
This is the environment the green police want you to live in so that they don't have to update the energy grid or give you cash incentives to retrofit your home with proper ventilation equipment.

A proper housing ventilation system would include a heat exchanger which continuously takes the warm fetid air from your house, strips the heat from it, and adds the heat to the cool fresh air it pulls in (and the opposite in summer). This is an essential element for most commercial HVAC systems. But like a lot to things in the building code, they are not part of regular residential construction.

Also, a heat exchanger is only good at providing healthful air in a forced air heated building. You can use a heat exchanger on liquid based radiant heating, but this does nothing about the stagnant air. Do you see how this poses a problem for bureaucrats and builders? If they put radiant heating in your house to encourage you to only heat one room at a time, and want to give you a healthful environment, they would have to build a separate ventilation system thereby doubling your HVAC ( Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning ) costs.

It is much easier for Environmentalists, Bureaucrats, Builders and Energy Providers to preach about sealing up your homes to save energy demands on an old energy grid. You are then expected to live in a toxic zone where you get mysterious headaches, sensitivity to a wide variety of things (MCS) as you liver backs up and rebels, long drawn out chest infections, fatigue, listlessness.....and on and on. Do any of these things sounds familiar?

Don't believe me? Then do this experiment. Seal up your house and spend a weekend in it ( most guys won't have a problem with this during the playoffs). Then, go outside to a lush green area just around sunrise and breath in. If you are in a dense urban area, you may have to drive to a local nature reserve. Notice a surge in vitality? That is your lungs saying thank you.

This is the kind of environment you were meant to live in, but have been encouraged to lock yourself away from. Think about it.


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