Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Carbon Tax is Based on Flawed Ideology

Carbon Tax is based on the concept that only punishment will change behavior. If this is true then all the great marketing successes in business must have been flukes! And also, all the beatings and corporal punishments given out during childhood should be commended, encouraged, and perpetuated through life.

Do you think I'm exaggerating? Then think deeply about this for a minute and also listen carefully to the designers of the Carbon Tax proposals. Do not listen to the "sellers" of the tax. Ironically, they are using the very methods to sell us on the tax which they say don't work!

Carbon Tax is designed to make life more difficult for the average person. The hope is that if we suffer enough we will change our lifestyle habits in favor of choices which are designated as state approved. "State Approved"? Oh yes. The politicians and academics are just doing a bunch of bug herding. Poking us with economic sticks to drive us in various directions. They make us compliant by telling us that we are saving the planet....but are we? Can we?

I haven't heard a good answer to that. The best answer I have heard is a trick of logic. They tell us that it is better to at least try. I haven't heard anyone say that even the most ideal of targets will make a measurable sustainable difference. Have you seen any reliable figures? Everything is based on select observations and restricted historical data; and then manipulated by faulty logic to fit a popular agenda.

Is the earth's climate changing? Yes. Did human activity have some affect on this change. Yes, probably. Will changing human activity modify the climate change? Maybe, but I say this only as the logical result of the previous question. Can modifying human activity stop the current cycle of climate change? No, I don't think so, and I have not heard any serious scientist state that we can halt and shape the climate as we desire. Playing God has never been mankind's best role.

The fact is that the Earth is changing and has always been changing. We cannot stop change. But we can adapt. Adaptation is the great human skill. Our focus should be on adapting to the inevitable change. Not in playing out the drama of King Canute! Carbon Taxing will do nothing for the environment. Carbon taxing will just add one more hardship to an already struggling population.

We may not be able to stop the world, but we can create beautiful, refreshing, green laden, places to live and work. We can get out of the sterile apartment warehouses we live in. We can reduce noise and light and toxic fumes from our lives, so as to live healthy lives. We can change our micro climates. But again, ironically, the eco-idiots don't want that.

They want to warehouse us and cram us into a minimally habitable environment filled with noise and light and constant over stimulation. I think nature designed humans to live in contact and communion with the very countryside from which the academics propose to isolate us. They want us to huddle together to conserve energy, and then only experience the rest of nature, in minute prescribed doses ( public parks). Think I'm exaggerating? Listen carefully to the interviews. "Suburban" and "Urban Sprawl" are terms now automatically seen as pejorative terms. Eco Friendly should also be human friendly.

So what is my alternative? Get the politicians to stop listening to the academic and ivory tower social engineers and get them to listen to the minds behind McDonald's and Starbucks! These are the real experts on invoking change in people. Convenience, low cost, high quality, accessibility, camaraderie, and on and on and on. McDonald's, and Starbucks are the leaders in delivering these things, and people love them and shower them with money.

Believe it or not, I'm quite serious. McDonald's and Starbucks are examples of an ideology that works, because it is in line with human nature. And after all, aren't we supposed to be trying to be in harmony with nature?

Get these successful minds involved in building paradise. Get them to figure out a way to make our cities green and open, even if it means a few burger stands in the bushes. I know that academics consider commercialism anathema, but then academics are forcing people to pay them through taxation. McDonald's and Starbucks have people freely lining up to give them their money. Think about it.

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