Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An Apology to David Suzuki

I saw David Suzuki interviewed recently and realized that I owed him an apology. It is more of defamation by inference than an actual character attack.

If you look back in my posts you will see that I have taken aim at "Suzukites". That is still my opinion. But, I have great admiration for David. His vision is a mirror of mine in certain areas.

I would love to see a radical and dramatic revision of the building code. I would love to see government grants for electrical and passive solar collection. I would love to see buildings designed to be self sufficient.

This is just a matter of putting a signature on a piece of paper. But the politicians are conditioned to rebel against this to the bitter end. The politician code is to do nothing and advance the status quo of the campaign donor.

But we all know about the politicians...let me write a bit about David.

I'm sure there are reasons, but I only hear about his vision of an urban nirvana in brief candid interviews. His namesake organization is all foaming at the mouth "tax'em 'till they die" evangelicals.

David, please reign in your horses. The politicians love regulation and restriction. Why is your organization not planted outside of every city hall and demanding a revision of the building code?

David Suzuki, you talk about a great vision of the future urban environment, but your suzukites are still in another century!

I apologize to you. But ask you to cast influence upon those who follow you.

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