Monday, January 19, 2009

Electric Cars Dangerous to the Environment

Electric cars are the new "solution". But beware, you may be putting much of what you love at risk! Think I'm fooling? Well think through a few things and then also look at some examples I list below.

First of all, your new electric car will be made up of oil. There is more oil used in plastics than in gasoline. Plastics are an environmental nightmare. Ask the dealer just how much of your virtuous car is actually ( and I mean ACTUALLY) recyclable.

Secondly, you are sucking power out of the grid to pump that baby up. Our electric generation is already at capacity and fails with every increase in demand. You are increasing demand. How do electric companies deal with starting up old coal, oil, and gas generators. ( Actually many run full time on these sanctioned polluters. So get ready for more brown outs.)

We are not ready for the great electric transformation. This is the classic chicken and egg dilemma. We have no infrastructure to generate clean electricity. Oh yes you see all those glorious ads; but the reality is very very much different.

Electricity CAN be generated on the whim of nature BUT it has to be stored by mankind for constructive use.

Your electric car will be run off of pollutants. I say "will be" because right now the demand is insignificant, so the present prototype users can be absorbed. BUT open a dealership in a major urban area and you will see any power plant of any vintage stoked up to handle the command.

You are a smart person. Start questioning. Start tracing electric cars back through the manufacturing process. Check with your local power company. See just where and how they get the power. Look long and hard at those windmills, and tidal generators, and hydro power generators.

If you are satisfied, then plug the beastie in.


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